Boccaccio ’70 is a 1962 Italian anthology film directed by Mario Monicelli, Federico Fellini, Luchino Visconti and Vittorio De Sica, from an idea by Cesare Zavattini. It is an anthology of four episodes, each by one of the directors, all about a different aspect of morality and love in modern times, in the style of Boccaccio.


In Renzo e Luciana, a young couple tries to hide their marriage and the wife’s supposed pregnancy from the draconian book-keeper of their employer, who has banned female employees from getting married and having children but does not mind a few cheap thrills at their expense himself.

In Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio, an elderly citizen is fed up with too much immorality in the form of indecent content in print. His anger knows no bounds when a provocative billboard of Anita Ekberg advertising “Drink more milk” is put up in a park near his residence. Little does he know how that billboard will go on to change his life. Throughout the film, children are heard singing the jingle “Bevete più latte, bevete più latte!” (“Drink more milk!”) The image begins to haunt him with hallucinations in which she appears as a temptress and Dr. Antonio as St. George to spear the dragon – he is pursued and captured by the buxom Swedish star in a deserted Rome and at one point, his umbrella falls between her breasts.

Il lavoro is about an aristocratic couple coming to terms with life and marriage after the husband is caught visiting prostitutes by the press.

La riffa shows a lottery with the winner entitled to one night with the attractive Zoe (Sophia Loren). Zoe, however, has other plans.